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Eye Witness Memory Problems
Dr Elizabeth Loftus explains to Eve Ash that eyewitness testimony can muddy the legal waters. In a New York study on 300 cases of wrongful conviction, more than three quarters were jailed because a witness's faulty memory. The problem is compounded when an eyewitness is confident, compelling and det... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
False Memories
Dr Elizabeth Loftus tells Eve Ash that false memories can be distortions of an event, or an entire event that didn't happen. False memories can be planted, through suggestions, verbal cues, leading questions or coaching. Memories are not the same as video or audio recordings. Surveys done by Dr Loft... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Lies and Exaggeration
Dr Elizabeth Loftus explains to Eve Ash that while people exaggerate, this is not necessarily the same as lying. She cites the case of an American news anchor who lied about being in a helicopter that was shot down in Iraq. It transpired that another helicopter was shot down; his arrived unscathed t... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Lies, Guilt, Illness & Acceptance
Dr Elizabeth Loftus explains to Eve Ash that not everyone who conceals the truth feels guilt. Eve Ash recounts her mother's ulcerative colitis, developed when Eve's biological father took off with his second wife's niece, later forming a menage a trois. Although Eve accepts that her mother never tol... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Love, Lies and Exaggeration
Love, Lies and Exaggeration provides an understanding of how people sometimes lie for a reason and will exaggerate to enhance their prestige in the eyes of others. In this course, psychologist Eve Ash talks to Elizabeth Loftus, Distinguished Professor at University of California, Irvine, a cognitive... read more
New Release
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Lying about Affairs
Dr Elizabeth Loftus tells Eve Ash that people having extramarital affairs have many motives for lying. Eve recounts her own mother's long-time secret affair with the man who she later discovered was her biological father. Throughout her childhood, she'd had clues about this man but her mother would ... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Memory Impacted by Stress and Trauma
Eve Ash and Dr Elizabeth Loftus share accounts of when each was robbed, and then couldn't remember personal information when asked to explain what happened. Dr Loftus explains that a shock can interfere with our memories' ability to retrieve key details. Eve Ash asks if hypnosis is a way to retrieve... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Psychology, Law, Lies and False Memories
Psychology, Law, Lies and False Memories gives us insights into eye witness memory problems, false memories, impact of stress and trauma on memory, and includes two wrongful conviction cases. In this course, psychologist Eve Ash talks to Distinguished Professor Elizabeth Loftus, University of Califo... read more
New Release
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Sue Neill-Fraser, Convicted of Murder, Tasmania, Australia 2010
Eve Ash describes the 2010 conviction and jailing of Tasmania Sue Neill-Fraser for the murder of her partner Bob Chappell. His body was never found. The case was complicated by Sue's lies and confused testimony to police. A witness "saw" Sue previously arguing with Bob; it turned out to be Bob's sis... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The Wrongful Conviction of Steve Titus 1981
Dr Elizabeth Loftus shares with Eve Ash the tragic 1981 wrongful conviction and eventual death of Steve Titus. He was misidentified by a rape victim, whose confidence increased by the time of the trial. From tentatively identifying his photo, she became positive, possibly owing to encouragement by p... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only